Selina Rose

If your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things, this is the best season of your life.

- Wu-Men  

3 Words to Describe My Classes

Mindful, slow, strong 

Favourite local business

It’s a toss up between Wilf & Ada’s (delicious food) and Flowers Talk Tivoli (so many beautiful things)

Favourite way to move my body

Dance or yoga, or a combination of the two 

One thing I would change about the health/wellness/fitness industry if I could 

The striving to be/look a certain way and using exercise or diets as a means to change our appearance. If we can shift the focus to what feels good to our bodies the rest takes care of itself. 

Advice I would give to my 10 year old self 

Your experience in life is determined by how you perceive what happens to you

Favourite way to unwind 

Connecting with good friends who make me laugh 

Connect with Selina

Flow with Selina